
Nigerians Are Watching A Man Count Rice On Tiktok - 6 Crazy Tik Tok Moments That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

''Tiktok is a hoarder of the most absurd and extraordinary trends and experiments. From watching people sleep, to watching people eat and even paying money for it, there’s no doubt that the social media platform houses a little craziness in it.''

By Ifunanya Nwanoka

PUBLISHED: May 26, 2023

Nigerians Are Watching A Man Count Rice On Tiktok - 6 Crazy Tik Tok Moments That Will Make Your Jaw Drop


Imagine this; a large group of people watching another human every day from their phone screens count grains  of rice, their time and money  giving away without a single thought.

Except this is not an imagination; this is in fact, real.

A Nigerian man, armed with nothing more than a bowl of rice and a crippling desire for Internet fame, has taken to TikTok to count rice grains every single day. Yes, you read that right. And Nigerians (and other nationalities too) come on his Tik Tok live every single day to watch him count these grains.

In a platform filled with cute dance challenges, comedic thrills, and viral trends, it's both surprising and hilarious to witness the rise of this rice-counting sensation. This is just one shining example of how TikTok has become a breeding ground for the most ludicrous and inexplicable trends imaginable.

Tiktok is a hoarder of the most absurd and extraordinary trends and experiments. From watching people sleep, to watching people eat and even paying money for it, there’s no doubt that the social media platform houses a little craziness in it.

Tiktok is one of the major social platforms where the line between sanity and sheer stupidity blurs, leaving us in a constant state of shock. It somehow manages to turn the most mundane, most human tasks into something viral and sensational.

Tiktok Is The Rebellious Teen Of The Social Media Family 

I think one of the things that truly sets Tiktok apart from other social media platforms is the fact that it is rooted in relatability. A majority of the contents on Tiktok are created by random, common individuals. Everyone has the potential to become a celebrity on Tiktok if they harness it well.

You can easily feel like you’re part of a community because of the seamless interactions it creates.

Another reason Tik Tok stands out is because it  houses so much variety. There's something for everyone. It’s almost like an interactive google. Every time you come on Tiktok, you have no idea what you’re going to stumble on.

But perhaps, the freedom and relatability it holds also comes with some consequences? As great as it is for surfing the best contents, it has also created some downright odd and even scary trends. From ridiculous challenges to downright bizarre trends, this social media platform has seen it all.

Here Are 6 Times TikTokers Went Absolutely Bananas

The Blackout Challenge

Now, we know Tik Tok is known for its fun and sometimes weird trend, but this one takes the cake for being the most peculiar. The Blackout Challenge, also called the "choking challenge" or "pass-out challenge," is all about intentionally holding your own breath for an extended period of time.

Woah!  Can you even believe it? People actually came together and thought it was a GREAT idea to do this on purpose? This challenge was not only risky but also fatal. There were reports of at least 15 deaths recorded which linked back to the challenge.

Here’s the thing; depriving your brain of oxygen for a long period of time has serious consequences. It's similar to what happens when someone is drowning or choking. It's really hard to understand why anyone would take part in something so risky and senseless.


Benadryl Challenge

Let’s  talk about the infamous "Benadryl Challenge." This was an unusual and deeply concerning trend back in 2020 that also resulted in a lot of tragic consequences.

During the Benadryl Challenge, tiktokers who engaged in it took an excessive amount of Benadryl, with the hope of experiencing hallucinogenic effects. Benadryl is typically used as an anti-allergy medication and should never be taken without a prescription or an actual allergic condition.

Benadryl, when consumed in large doses,lead to seizures and cardiac arrests. It is not a drug that people should experiment with, especially in high quantities. In a devastating incident, a 15-year-old girl lost her life after participating in the Benadryl Challenge in the US. This heartbreaking event served as a wake-up call for other Tiktokers on how reckless a trend it was.

The Penny Challenge

The Penny challenge was a testament to the length people would go for a few fleeting sparks of excitement. Except in this case, the sparks were in fact very real.

People came together and thought  it would be a brilliant idea to grab a penny and stick it behind a partially plugged phone charger into a power socket. Of course this came with its own twist. Some daring participants accidentally ended up causing fires while attempting this trend. 

Who could have imagined that a simple penny would one day become the star of such chaos and confusion? 

The Skull Breaker Challenge

You’re going to need to hold onto your seat belts for this one. This trend not only defied normal human reasoning, but also posed serious risks and complications for those who partook in it.

The skull breaker challenge started in Venezuela, where it goes by the name "rompecráneos'' in the local language. And boy! Does it live up to its name? It was really created to break a skull.

This is how this trend works; three individuals stand side by side, ready to jump together in harmony. But here comes the twist! Unknown to the person in the middle, the two individuals on either side have no intention of leaping into the air. Instead, as the unsuspecting middle person leaps up, the other two swiftly kick their feet out from under them. This results in an often painful crash landing, with a lot of victims landing squarely on their heads and backs.

Who in their right mind would willingly participate in such a dangerous challenge?" Ha!

Despite the obvious dangers it held, countless teenagers still chose to participate in it, lured in by the excitement of a new viral trend, and the heady  allure of fame.

Cereal challenge

The Cereal challenge is a wild one and you better be ready for this one because it will make your skin crawl.

Here's how it goes: participants pour a generous amount of cereal into another person's mouth, followed by an equally generous amount of milk. Great, right? No problem . But…then, it takes a belly turning twist almost immediately.

Once the cereal and milk are poured in, the daring participants pick up a spoon and proceed to scoop the cereal straight out of the person's mouth. Ummm…no, you didn’t read this wrong. It is exactly what you think you just read. 

Besides the fact that it is an act that is absolutely disgusting, there is a risk for the person holding the cereal in their mouth. There's a possibility of them choking, putting their well-being and even their life at stake. It’s honestly a trend so insane that nobody should ever have to face it.

Mole Challenge

Buckle up as we dive into yet another ridiculous Tik Tok trend.

In this peculiar challenge, Tik Tik users showcased their DIY methods for getting rid of the  moles on their bodies. Some participants took it upon themselves to scrape their moles with sharp objects, while others went to the extreme of using dangerous chemicals.

It is mind boggling to think that  people actually thought it was a good idea to remove their moles on their own in such a brutal and careless way. It’s a trend so cringey that I honestly believe that all those involved should be tested mentally.

Why Are People More Daring On Tik tok?

For a majority of people on social media, getting noticed is their number one goal. On a platform like Tik tok, where the common man can become a celebrity in a second, it can fuel people to want to be among that number.

Individuals resort  to drastic and dramatic measures to stand out and gain attention. The more ridiculous you are on Tik tok, the more chances you have of going viral, so naturally people are clamoring for the price of the “most outrageous”.

Jumping on the bandwagon of trends becomes a way to be noticed and make an impact.

Tik tok challenges and trends also highlight our human desires to be accepted and desired. We want to be seen and when people cannot see us for who we truly are, we start to tap dance with ridiculousness, hoping against everything that we can finally be seen.

Tik Tok used to be a platform for creativity, entertainment, and positive engagement, not a breeding ground for bland, talentless and even dangerous endeavors. How do we make our way back to the app that held is so much warmth?

Remember, Tiktok is not 'the' ridiculous app, the people in it are the ridiculous ones.

At the end of the day,  are we losing  ourselves on TikTok? Or were we already lost people who found ourselves on an app?

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